Suppose that $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n$ is a random sample from a distribution with pdf $f(x;\theta)$.

Let $\Theta$ be the parameter space.

Consider testing

\[H_0:\theta\in\Theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\in\Theta\backslash\Theta_0\]
  • Let $\widehat{\theta}$ be the maximum likelihood estimator for $\theta$.

  • Let $\widehat{\theta}_0$ be restricted MLE.

    $\widehat{\theta}_0$ is the MLE for $\theta$ if we assume that $H_0$ is true.

Consider for these examples:

\[H_0:\theta\le\theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\gt\theta_0\]

Suppose that the likelihood looks like this:


  • The maximum likelihood estimator $\widehat{\theta}$ is the value that maximizes the $L(\theta)$.

  • The restricted likelihood is the value that maximizes over the region where the null hypothesis is true.

\[H_0:\theta\ge\theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\lt\theta_0\]

Suppose that the likelihood looks like this:


  • Because the maximum likelihood estimator $\widehat{\theta}$ and the null hypothesis are in the same region. This is actually equivalent to the restricted MLE.

\[H_0:\theta\le\theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\gt\theta_0\]

Suppose that the likelihood looks like this:


  • The null hypothesis is the region from $-\infty$ to $\theta_0$. In this case the restricted likelihood $\widehat{\theta}_0=\theta_0$.

\[H_0:\theta=\theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\gt\theta_0\]

Suppose that the likelihood looks like this:


  • For the simple null hypothesis, we only looking for one point when the null hypothesis is true, and that is restricted MLE $\widehat{\theta}_0=\theta_0$.


Suppose that $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n$ is a random sample from a distribution with pdf $f(x;\theta)$.

Consider testing

\[H_0:\theta=\theta_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\theta\ne\theta_0\]

Let $L(\theta)$ be a likelihood function.

The generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) is

\[\lambda(\stackrel{\rightharpoonup}{X}) = \frac{L(\widehat{\theta}_0)}{L(\widehat{\theta})}\]

The generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) says to reject $H_0$, in favor of $H_1$, if

\[\lambda(\stackrel{\rightharpoonup}{X})\le c\]


Suppose that $X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_n$ is a random sample from the continous Pareto distribution with pdf

\[f(x,\gamma)=\begin{cases} \begin{align} &\frac{\gamma}{(1+x)^{\gamma+1}}&&x\gt0\\ &0&&\text{otherwise}\\ \end{align} \end{cases}\]

Here, $\gamma\gt0$ is a parameter.

Find the GLRT of size $\alpha$ for

\[H_0:\gamma=\gamma_0\quad\text{vs}\quad H_1:\gamma\ne\gamma_0\]

A likelihood is

  • The MLE for $\gamma$ is

  • The restricted MLE for $\gamma$ is


The GLR is

  • The form of the test is to reject $H_0$, in favor of $H_1$, if $\lambda(\stackrel{\rightharpoonup}{X})\le c$, where $c$ is determined by solving

    \[P(\lambda(\stackrel{\rightharpoonup}{X})\le c;\gamma_0)=\alpha\]

    And we can make some simplifications or standardization, or something, and we turn it to some other function

    \[P(g(\stackrel{\rightharpoonup}{X})\quad?\quad c_1;\gamma_0)=\alpha\]