Conditional Probability

Suppose we have two event $A$ and $B$ from the sample space $S$. We want to calculate the probability of event $A$, knowing that event $B$ has occured. $B$ is the “conditional event”. Notation: $P(A\vert B)$, the probability of event $A$ given that $B$ has occured.

Example: Roll a six-sided dice twice. We have

$S ={(i,j)\mid i,j\in{1,2,3,4,5,6}},\vert S\vert=36$ and each of the $36$ outcomes of $S$ is equally likely.

Let $A$ be the event that at least one of the dice shows a $3$.

  • $A={(3,1),(3,2),\ldots,(3,6),(1,3),(2,3),\ldots,(6,3)}$

  • $P(A)=11/36$

Let $B$ be the event that the sum of the $2$ dice is $9$.

  • $B={(6,3),(3,6),(4,5),(5,4)}$

  • $P(B)=4/36$

Question: Suppose we know that $B$ has occured. How does this change the probability of $A$? That is, find $P(A\vert B)$, the probability that at least one dice was a $3$ given that the sum was $9$.

  • $P(A\cup B)=P((3,6),(6,3))=2/36$

  • $P(A\vert B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)}=\frac{2/36}{4/36}=1/2$


Bayes Theorem

Conditional probability is defined as:

\[P(A\vert B)=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)},\quad P(B)\gt0\]

This leads to the multiplication rule

\[P(A\cap B) = P(B)P(A\vert B)\]


\[P(B\cap A) = P(A)P(B\vert A)\]

Bayes Theorem: Let $P(B)\gt0$. Then,

\[P(A\vert B)=\frac{P(A)P(B\vert A)}{P(B)}\]

Law of Total Probability

Give two events $A$ and $B$ from the same sample space,

\[B=(B\cap A)\cup(B\cap A^c)\\\]

We have

\[\begin{align} P(B)&=P(B\cap A) + P(B\cap A^c)\\ &=P(B\vert A)P(A)+P(B\vert A^c)P(A^c) \end{align}\]


Extend this idea to $n$ sets $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n$ where

$A_1\cap\dots A_n=0$ and $\cup_{k=1}^{n}A_k=S$.

Note: $A_1,A_2,\ldots,A_n$ are mutually exclusive means $A_i\cap A_j=0$ for all $i,j(i\ne j)$.


We have

\[\begin{align} P(B) &= P(B\cap A_1)+P(B\cap A_2)+\\ &\quad P(B\cap A_3) + \underbrace{P(B\cap A_4)}_{0}\\ &=P(B\vert A_1)P(A_1)+P(B\vert A_2)P(A_2)+P(B\vert A_3)P(A_3) \end{align}\]


\[P(B)=\sum_{k=1}^{n}P(B\vert A_k)P(A_k)\]

Example - Testing for a disease

Example: Suppose your compant has developed a new test for a disease. Let event $A$ be the event that a randomly selected individual has the disease and, from other data, you know that 1 in 1000 people has disease. Thus, $P(A)=0.001$. Let $B$ be the event that a positive test result is received for the randomly selected individual. Your company collects data on their new test and finds the following:

  • $P(B\vert A)=0.99\rightarrow P(\text{pos test result}\vert\text{person has the disease})$

  • $P(B^c\vert A)=0.01\rightarrow P(\text{neg test result}\vert\text{person has the disease})$

  • $P(B\vert A^c)=0.02\rightarrow P(\text{pos test result}\vert\text{person doesn’t have the disease})$

Calculate the probability that the person has the disease, given a positive test result. That is, find $P(A\vert B)$.

\[\begin{align} P(A\vert B)&=\frac{P(A\cap B)}{P(B)}\\ &=\frac{P(B\vert A)P(A)}{P(B)}\quad\text{(Bayes Theorem)}\\ &=\frac{P(B\vert A)P(A)}{P(B\vert A)P(A)+P(B\vert A^c)P(A^c)}\quad\text{(Law of total prob.)}\\ &=\frac{(0.99)(0.001)}{(0.99)(0.001)+(0.02)(0.999)}\\ &=0.0472 \end{align}\]
  • $P(A)=0.001\leftarrow$ prior probability of $A$.
  • $P(A\vert B)=0.0472\leftarrow$ posterior probability of $A$.

Example - Tree Diagram


Sample space:

\[\begin{align} D&=\text{disease}, &&+=\text{pos. test result}\\ N&=\text{no disease}, &&-=\text{neg. test result} \end{align}\] \[S=\{(D,+),(D,-),(N,+),(N,-)\}\]