
The goal of probability is to assign some number, $P(A)$, called the probability of event $A$, which will give a precise measure to the chance that $A$ will occur. If a sample space, $S$, has $N$ single events, and if each of these events is equally likely to occur, then we need only count the number of events to find the probability.

For example, if $S={E_1,E_2,\ldots,E_N}$ and if $P(E_k) = 1/N$ for $k=1,2,\ldots,N$, and if $A$ is an event in $S$, then

\[P(A)=\frac{\text{number of simple events in }A}{N}\]


Experiment: Roll a six-sided dice twice.

$S={(i,j)\mid i,j \in {1,2,3,4,5,6}}$, $\mid S\mid=36$ and each of the $36$ outcomes of $S$ is equally likely.

  • Let $A$ be the event of rolling a $1$ on the first roll.


  • Let $B$ be the event that the sum of the two rolls is $8$.


  • Let $C$ be the event that the value of the second roll is two more that the first roll.



Any ordered sequence of $k$ objects taken from a set of $n$ distict objects is called a permutation of size $k$.

Notation: $P_{k,n}$

Example: Suppose an organization has $60$ members. One person is selected at random to be the president, another person is seleted as vice-president, and a third is selected as the treasurer. How many ways can it be done? (This would be the cardinality of the sample space.)


Definition: $n!=n(n-1)(n-2)…3.2.1$ for any positive integer $n$. By definition, we take $0!=1$.


Given $n$ distinct objects, any unordered subset of size $k$ of the objects is call combination.

Notation: $C_{k,n}$

Example 1 Suppose we have $60$ people and want to choose a $3$ person team (order is not important). How many combinations are possible?

Sample space of permutations

\[S_p = \left. \begin{cases} 123&,124&,125&,\ldots\\ 132&,142&,\ldots&,\ldots\\ 213&,214&,\ldots&,\ldots\\ 231&,241&,\ldots&,\ldots\\ 312&,412&,\ldots&,\ldots\\ 321&,421&,\ldots&,\ldots\\ \end{cases} \right\}\quad\mid S\mid=\frac{60!}{57!}\]


\[S_c=\{123,124,125,\ldots\}\quad\mid S\mid=\frac{60!}{57!3!}={60\choose3}\]

Note: ${60\choose3}={60\choose57}$


\[\color{red}{ {n\choose k}=\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} }\]

This represents the number of combinations of size $k$ chosen from $n$ distinct objects.

Example 2 Suppose we have the same $60$ people, $35$ are female and $25$ are male. We need to select a committee of $11$ people.

  • How many ways can such a committee be formed?

    \[\text{# of committees 11} = {60\choose11}=\frac{60!}{11!(60-11)!}\\ \mid S\mid={60\choose11}\]
  • What is the probability that a randomly selected committe will contain at least $5$ men and at least $5$ women? (Assume each committee is equally likely).

    \[\begin{align} &P(\text{at least 5M and at least 5W on committee})\\ &=P(5M+6W) + P(6M+5W)\\ &=\frac{\binom{25}{5}\binom{35}{6}}{\binom{60}{11}}+\frac{\binom{25}{6}\binom{35}{5}}{\binom{60}{11}} \end{align}\]

Example 3

A city has brought $20$ buses. Shortly after being put into service, some of them develop cracks in the frame. The buses are inspected and $8$ have visible cracks.

  • How many way can the city select a sample of $5$ for thorough inspection? (Assume each bus is equally likely to be chosen.)

    \[\mid S\mid={20\choose5}\]
  • If $5$ buses are chosen at random, find the probability that exactly $4$ have cracks.

    \[P(\text{4 with cracks})=\frac{\binom{12}{1}\binom{8}{4}}{20\choose5}\]
  • If $5$ buses are chosen at random, find the probability that at least $4$ have cracks.

    \[P(\text{at least 4 with cracks})\\ =\frac{\binom{12}{1}\binom{8}{4}}{20\choose5}+\frac{\binom{12}{0}\binom{8}{5}}{20\choose5}\]